Searching for True Liberalism.
Democratic Movement and Liberal Politics
in Victorian England

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Detlev Mares:
Auf der Suche nach dem "wahren" Liberalismus.
Demokratische Bewegung und liberale Politik im viktorianischen England
Series: Arbeitskreis Deutsche England-Forschung, vol. 45
Year of Publication: 2002
373 + xii pp., ISBN: 3-8257-0260-X, EUR 52,50


This book offers the most recent and most comprehensive German-language account of popular radical politics in the mid-Victorian era. Based on a wealth of primary source material and suggesting a new framework for analysis that is based on British and German discussions surrounding a proper understanding of popular politics, the author offers fresh approaches to subjects ranging from the republican movement in Britain in the 1860s/1870s and the activities of the First International in Britain to the relationships of popular radicals and the Gladstonian Liberal Party.

The first chapter lays the theoretical foundation for the inquiry. Subsequent chapters introduce a survey of the institutional dimension of metropolitan popular radicalism in the 1860s and 1870s and of the structures of democratic culture as well as an analysis of the basic concepts of democratic discourse. The study moves on to exploring the relationships of democratic and liberal discourse as well as the claim of popular radicals to give expression to their views in the public sphere. A final chapter deals with the many-sided relationships between popular radicals and the Liberal Party, culminating in a new account of the transition from mid-Victorian radicalism to late-Victorian Socialism from the 1880s onwards.

The author

Dr Detlev Mares studied German and British history at the universities of Trier, Aberdeen, Cologne and the London School of Economics and Political Science. He took an MA degree at the University of Warwick with a dissertation on one of the lesser-known popular radicals in Victorian Britain, Alfred A. Walton. Currently, he is teaching British and German history at the Institute of History at the Technical University of Darmstadt.

The series

The Arbeitskreis Deutsche England-Forschung (German Association for the Study of British History and Politics) establishes a network of historians and political scientists in Germany with an academic interest in British history and politics. Its publication series enjoys a reputation for lively and inspiring contributions to the field of British research.


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Copies can also be obtained from the author (37 Euros plus p&p).


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