Detlev Mares

Wissenschaftliche Literatur zur Conservative Party Grobritanniens
in Stichworten


Longman's History of the Conservative Party:

- John Ramsden: Age of Balfour and Baldwin

- John Ramsden: Conservative Party since 1940

- John Ramsden: Winds of Change

- Richard Shannon: Age of Disraeli

- Richard Shannon: Age of Salisbury

- Robert Stewart: Foundation of the Conservative Party

Addison, Paul: The Rise of the Tory Democracy 1867-1902, London/New York (= A History of the Conservative Party 2).

Blake, Robert: Disraeli, London 1978 (Originalausgabe: 1966).

Blake, Robert: The Conservative Party from Peel to Thatcher..

Feuchtwanger, Edgar J.: Disraeli, Democracy and the Tory Party: Conservative Leadership and Organisation after the Second Reform Bill, Oxford 1968.

Gash, Norman: Peel, 2 Bde.

Gash, Norman: Pillars of Government and Other Essays on State and Society, c. 1770-1880, London 1986.

Ghosh, Peter R.: Style and Substance in Disraelian Social Reform, c. 1860-80, in: Politics and Social Change in Modern Britain. Essays presented to A. F. Thompson, hg. von P. J. Waller, Brighton/New York 1987, S. 59-90.

Green, E. H. H.: The Crisis of Conservatism. The Politics, Economics and Ideology of the British Conservative Party, 1880-1914, London 1995.

Lawrence, Jon: Class and Gender in the Making of Urban Toryism, 1880-1914, in: English Historical Review 108, 1993, S. 629-652.

Lawrence, Jon: Speaking for the People. Party, Language and Popular Politics in England, 1867-1918, Cambridge 1998.

Lawrence, Jon: The Dynamics of Urban Politics, 1867-1914, in: Party, State and Society. Electoral Behaviour in Britain since 1820, hg. von Jon Lawrence und Miles Taylor, Aldershot 1997, S. 79-105.

Pugh, Martin: The Making of Modern British Politics 1867-1939, Oxford 1982, 21993.

Pugh, Martin: The Tories and the People 1880-1935, Oxford 1985.

Shannon, Richard T.: The Age of Disraeli, 1868-1881: The Rise of Tory Democracy, London 1992.

Smith, Paul: Disraelian Conservatism and Social Reform, London 1967.

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